I have engaged her to help develop winning teams - teams that not only became more collaborative and effective, but ones that grew to be leaders themselves.
Relationship with
Understand your role in generating unwanted outcomes when dealing with other people. See how you might unwittingly be contributing to undermining trust and collaboration. Learn to grasp the dynamics between people in order to surface diverse perspectives and build winning teamwork. Develop the skills of dialogue as well as appropriate confrontation and support for mutual learning.
Working on Relationship with Others, in addition to improving Team performance, benefits Individuals whose own personal learning is accelerated by discussion, dialogue and debate in a team or group setting. The Organization benefits from greater alignment on common objectives and elevating the overall quality of strategic leadership and team performance.
Shared Vision and Mission, Feedback and Difficult Conversations, Trust and Conflict, Team Creativity and Problem-solving.
- Leadership Development learning design and delivery
- Team Development for executive team and project teams
- Team Facilitation